Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Freelancers Hiking Journey

So last Saturday I (the communicator that my group trolls on a daily basis)woke up at around 4:30 in the morning to go meet up with my fellow group members "The Freelancers". We met at an Office Depot in las Catalinas Mall and we all got in one car (George's car) and we started our road trip to Salinas/Cayey. Once we reached our destination we left the car on the emergency ramp and started climbing to the top of the mountain. It took me about 45 excruciating minutes of slipping, getting dirt all over my pants and falling embarrassingly to reach the top of the mountain, but on the way to the top we laughed we joked around made maybe 1 or 2 stops thanks to yours truly of course, but even though thee way up was tiresome it was well worth it to see the sunrise from the top and take some really beautiful pictures. The breath taking scenery made me realize how we sometimes take for granted the things we have around us for example our amazing island!

The view from the top of the mountain (Credits to the great photographer George!)


  1. It was one of my best experience. Some people neither knew that exists place like this in Puerto Rico. Thanks George to serve as our tour man.

  2. Wow, to see this posts it gives me the feels man. I wish I've could have been there with you guys. It looks so much fun and the video, my god. We're going to have this trip ... with me, mark my words.

  3. I did not see that picture before when we were exchanging photos! Truly a marvellous picture. Nonetheless, one truly amazing experience. It was worth getting up at 4:30am to go there.

  4. CJ you make that they better for everyone. glad to be part of it!!
